How generative AI can lighten the load and spur creativity.

By now, you have heard of Generative AI (GAI) and have most likely used ChatGPT or other GAI platforms at the office or at home. With so many demands on our time, we could all use  a creative spark plug to help brainstorm fun and interesting ideas for our family. We have pulled together our top ideas and prompts to help you get acquainted with this handy resource.

But first, what is Generative AI?

Briefly, Generative AI (GAI) is a form of artificial intelligence that can independently generate fresh content, such as images, text, or music, by learning from patterns it has encountered. It uses its acquired knowledge to present information in innovative ways, thanks to sophisticated algorithms that can ignite creativity and innovation.

GAI has an infinite number of uses, and adaptations. It has risks and benefits like all technologies that need to be weighed by each user, and especially parents. There is so much to consider and it can all seem overwhelming, especially when the demands on parents are already so high.

Often, it’s thinking and planning that drains parents most. This is where AI can be an incredible tool to take on some of the thinking for you. We know the list of AI supported parenting resources and tools is endless, but here are a few simple ways to bring GAI into your life to take on some of the mental load and make parenting just a little bit easier.

Our Top GAI Parenting Tips

Meal Planning

Feeling overwhelmed by meal planning? There are a number of apps that can personalise meal suggestions based on dietary preferences, nutritional needs, children’s ages and ingredient availability to name a few.

Try asking ChatGPT to plan a week of meals for your family for a week, share details you’d be comfortable with, and if you eat dairy free or vegan let it know. It might not be perfect, but it is a great start! If you are looking for more meal planning support try MyMealPlan .

By delegating some of the cognitive burden of meal planning, parents can spend more quality time with children and less time on the logisitics of meal prep.

Prompt Example: Help me with dinner ideas for this week, for my family of 4, we have a 6 and 8 year old, we have a lot of carrots and potatoes already that need to get used, we try to avoid dairy and gluten.

Travel Planning

Not sure where to start on your summer vacation? Get recommendations on travel, accommodations, activities and restaurants, or get help planning your whole trip start to finish! Ask your favourite AI assistant, or try using an app like Roam Around to help you plan a trip.

For a family friendly itinerary for your next adventure, justasklayla.com will ask you a couple quick questions and then create a multi day itinerary with all the details for accommodations, meals and activities. There is no need to tackle all the planning on your own, ask for help, and you can save your energy for the trip.

Prompt Example: We are thinking about doing a road trip starting in Vancouver and ending in Calgary, where should we go? and then ask can you recommend some asian and Mexican restaurants along the way?


Struggling to find some creative inspiration for outdoor play, indoor play, sensory play, playground games, forest games or a scavenger hunt. Children benefit from both structured and unstructured play, and sometimes giving a GAI tool a creative prompt is all you need for an imaginative adventure.

Ask for ideas to bring new life into play time where you can either engage, or sit on the sidelines and enjoy your coffee. You can stick with ChatGPT or try Gemini by Google (formerly Bard) to prompt pirate or superhero themed play.

Prompt Example: What are some interesting and creative ideas for forest play time with my 7 year old boy this afternoon? We live in Toronto and it’s fairly wet outside.

Craft Ideas

This is one of the best GAI uses to try! For age appropriate activities such as crafts, GAI can give you great ideas to spur creative projects with items from the craft store, or your recycling bin. GAI can quickly provide some ideas from instructions you provide. Whether you need a materials list or step by step instructions, start with a prompt and see where you end up! You will be amazed.

Enter the prompt below just for fun into Gemini and ChatGPT and see the imaginative ideas you can use as a starting point.

Example prompt: My child is 4 and loves unicorns and rainbows. We have egg cartons, milk cartons and some empty jars, can you help me create an activity that they will find engaging and fun.

Books & Resources

Looking for reading lists to help with emotional development? Perhaps reading resources or age appropriate books on space exploration? Maybe you could use some ideas for books on managing feelings, or explaining difficult subjects? GAI platforms can be a great starting point for finding resources, in addition to talking to your local librarian who might have some ideas GAI didn’t catch.

Prompt Example: Can you provide me with a list of books that focus on helping pre-schoolers understand autism?

Packing Lunches

Struggle with picky eaters, allergies or fuelling active kids? GAI can provide great suggestions to change up your meals, without elaborate recipes or heart shaped fruit. Ask your favourite AI assistant for tips on:

·      Creative lunchbox ideas for fun and inspiring suggestions

·      Picky eater solutions with new ideas to support overall nutrition

·      Dietary specific suggestions like gluten free, dairy free or vegan

·      Ideas for fueling athletes to ensure variety and energy for the day

 Say goodbye to lunch stress and hello to happier, healthier lunch routine for everyone.

Prompt Example: What are some yummy ideas for my kids lunches for this week?

Staying Active

Looking for a list of exercises for a quick 20 minute workout with the kids after dinner? Ask for a few ideas like animal exercises or obstacle courses to make exercise fun, interactive, and perfect for the needs of your family. Or, squeeze in that little bit of movement when you have the time with a quick workout plan.

Prompt Example: Can you provide me with a list of exercises that my family can do together after dinner tonight for a 20 minutes workout, my kids are 4 and 6. OR Can you write me a 15 minute HITT workout to do in my living room?


Looking for a new show? Maybe one that addresses a specific subject or teaches skils? Or maybe you just want to laugh really hard with your children? GAI can give you some great suggestions to get you started.

Sometimes coming up with strategies for managing screen time can be hard, perhaps you feel like you have tried it all. There might be a few more ideas out there, just ask.

Prompt Example: What are some educational, not too stimulating, non-violent shows that my 3 year old can watch before bed? OR What are some strategies and tips or managing screen time with my 6 year old?

Creating Routines

By leveraging GAI to support the development of age appropriate chore lists, you can get some tailored suggestions to help children at various stages ensuring they feel challenged, included and not overwhelmed. You can also get ideas to build visual charts, or visual reminders tailored towards unique needs of each family.

While there are many apps out there that support routine development and accountability, sometimes you just need a few ideas, and this is where GAI can help. There are so many ways kids can help, but sometimes it’s just hard to think how to get started.

Prompt Example: Can you provide me with a list of chores for an 8 year old boy who does not like to clean, so we can foster responsibility and inclusion.

Remember, AI is a tool, not a replacement

We like to think of GAI as another mom or dad, that always has an answer, which can be taken into consideration as it might be right or wrong for your family.

GAI can be incredibly useful as it has lots of ideas that you can take or leave, using your own discretion and parenting intuition. Always manage risks, safety and unique needs of your family when using GAI. Use it wisely to empower your creativity, support some of the thinking you need a break from, and enrich your parenting journey!

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