Looking for a babysitter in Red Deer?
Birdie Break is here for you! Planning a romantic picnic at Bower Ponds for a date and need someone to watch your kiddos? Or maybe you want to listen to some live music on the Ross Street Patio with your friends.
Our sitters ensure you are able to go and enjoy yourself, or get done what you need, without worrying about childcare.
Birdie Break has been operating as a babysitting service since 2017 in Alberta. With our highly qualified, pre-screened team of Red Deer babysitters, you are sure to find one conveniently near you.
"A solution that allows you the freedom of knowing you are going to get an incredible person to watch your kids, without the work it takes to try to find that."
More information about Red Deer
Check out the Tourism Red Deer website.
1. Download the Birdie® App
Make a request for a specific date and time. Sitters who are interested and available will submit their profiles.
2. Pick your Sitter
Parents get notified + choose the sitter that feels like the best fit.
3. Confirm + Book
Pay per use with no hidden fees. Birdie is here so your family can say yes more often.
Download the app, free to download: